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FG- Imo: :Regulatory Oversight of The State Electricity Market Is Now Underr ISERC

By Favour Ifeoluwa & Akinola Ajibade  The Federal Government yesterday( Monday) announced the transfer of Regulatory Oversight of the Electricity Market in Imo State to the state electricity regulatory commission, otherwise known as (ISERC). In a statement issued by the Nigerian Electricity Regulatory Common( NERC), the development is in compliance with the amended Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria (CFRN) and the Electricity Act 2023 (Amended), reiterating that all transfers envisaged by this order shall be completed by 31 December 2024. According to the Commission,the transfer Order’s provisions include: “Direct Enugu Electricity Distribution Company (EEDC) to incorporate a subsidiary (EEDC SubCo) to assume responsibilities for intrastate supply and distribution of electricity in Imo State from EEDC, and that EEDC shall complete the incorporation of EEDC SubCo within 60 days from 27th June 2024. The subcompany shall apply for and obtain licence for the in
PLANTAIN FLOUR: As the name implies, its a local foodstuff or brand, which is eating in some parts of Africa, but gradually gaining wide acceptability in many countries, due to dietary and health benefits.  
Known for preventing anaemia and reducing high blood pressure, if a patient religiously abide with medical recommendations,  plantain flour is made from unripe and dry plantain grounded into powdered like form. 
Similar to Amala, a local food made from peeled yam, sliced, boiled and spread under the sun for days in order to get dried and subsequently grounded into powdered like product before preparing it as food for individuals and families, it has become a close competitor with plantain flour.
However, plantain flour, as a food brand, is gradually gaining acceptability and patronage in most homes in Africa, especially in the South-Western Nigeria, a place, that is proudly inhabited by the Yourubas.
Despite its conservative estimate of  over 30million population, a figure which some countries rely on for their growth, 
the plantain flour is still battling patronage, a development attributed to its low 
acceptability among the people, even among urban dwellers. 
Unlike similar brands and competitors such as 
Amala, Semovita, Semolina, plantain flour is yet to astronomical increase in sales and consumption, due to issues, which are not limited to misconceptions and gross misunstanding of the use of the product. It is in the light of this, a paper is being written to unearth issues, which are affecting its acceptability and marketability in Nigeria and beyond. 

1) That plantain flour has higher starch concentration, and that many people might not want to patronage it because of the harmful, which its going to have on their health. 
To forestall this,  nutritionists and other health care providers would be needed to educate the masses on the product. 
2) That plantain flour does not contain collestrols is an issue, which must be ironed out through social engagement, but rather boasts of 
fibre, which  helps in preventing high blood pressure.
3) That plantain flour aids digestion and prevent asthma, if it eaten properly as recommended by medical doctors or any other health practitioners.

1) Making  the food item an household name, as well as being recommended for people who have health challenge like asthma.
2) Making the brand  approved  by regulated agency like NAFDAC etc
3)Ensuring that companies producing plantain flour obtain the Standards Organisation of Nigeria ( SON).
4) Ensuring that plantain flour is exposed to international market 
The aforementioned programmes should be given a timeline, usually four to six years maximu.

1) How to ensure that the production plantain flour is carried out by duly registered firms
2) How to ensure that the food item is well packed, compact and well labelled.
3) How to ensure that a bill on production and sales of plantain flour is formulated and passed by the National Assemby.


The country's production capacity is put at 25,000 metric tonnes( MT) per annum, while demand is 125,000( MT metric tonnes) leaving a gap of 
99,800 MT, according to a recent plantain report by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation States. 
Underscoring the capacity of plantain flour is the issue that the brand is  mainly in the Southern states of Nigeria, which include Akwa-Ibom, Cross River, Akwa-Ibom, Imo, Enugu, Rivers, Edo, Delta, Lagos, Ogun, Osun and Oyo states (Ogazi, 1996). 
From the abovementioned, Nigeria has a huge untapped reserves for plantain flour, a development, which implies that the country needs to improve the production of the food item, which if well taken into consideration, would  positively impact  on  consumption and sales of the product in the years ahead. 
The International Institute of Tropical Agriculture ( IITA), recently stated that  Nigeria's plantain flour production  has recorded astronomical increase in the last two or three years and that the country can further increase production, in the event that it renewed interest in the product continuues. 
IITA in paper titled: " Growth in Agrarian Products in West Africa:  Nigeria and other Countries" and delivered in Ibadan in 2015 said that the country will record huge economic growth from agriculture, if it is consistent in policies.
It said that 25,000 metric tonnes of plantain flour production, is a good step, which can be improved upon.
Similarly, the Association of Agricultural and Allied Products, a Non-Profit Organisation( NGO) maintain similar position on the issue. With offices in Lagos and other parts of South West, the body, has invited applications from Nigerians, who intend to go into the planting, harvesting, exporting.
A lecturer in the faculty of Law, Lagos State University LASU),  Barrister Alaka coorrobrated this assertion that plantain flour business  has a promising future, urging Nigerians to explore opportunities inherent in plantain flour production well. 
Alaka, also a specialist in maritime law, said that the market for the food item is widening by the day, stressing that Nigerians would reap bountifully from its production.

The market is driven by increasing population and the rising disposable consumer incomes in the forecast  period of 2022 -2027, according to an expert research on the issue.
 The research, which gives an in-depth analysis of the product assess the market based on its segment like source, process, application, distribution and region. The report also assesses market dynamics, covering key demands and market indicators among using several other yardsticks to arrive at the rising global shares of plantain flour.
Published in June 27, 2022, by Digital Journal,  an online based institution, the report said that plantain flour is widely utilised in food and beverage industry and that it would  likely hold a considerable market share over the projection period.  It further gives a forecast of 4.6 per cent growth in consumption of plantain flour over the projected years, impling that millions of people globally would be using the product for their needs.
The report, in addition, stated that plantain flour promotes heart health, lowers cholesterol, and improves nerve and muscle activity. All these reasons are projected to boost demand for plantain flour in the food and beverage industry and translate to several millions in foreign exchange earnings to the countries, which produce the product. All these have significant bearings on countries producing and consuming plantain flour.
In the report, which has become a veritable platform for ascertaining the growth in the rate of consumption and acceptability of plantain flour,  the global's market for the product  is  expected to grow at the rate of 4.6 per cent in the next five years. That is (2023-2028). The figure is huge and expected to bring in revenues of millions of dollars to the governments of countries producing plantain flour. This will be so, when parameters such as increase in population among others, are taken into consideration now in the future.
With global population projected to hit eight( 8) billions in December 2022 and later 10 billions in 2028, according to the United Nations Demographic reports of 2020 and 2021, the future of plantain flour is brighter. 


The market's size is huge  in Nigeria, northwitstsnding the fact that it experienced  slight reduction in 2021. 
Prior to this period, the market reached the maximum level at $X in 2020, and then shrank in the following year. 
 In general, production continues to indicate a strong increase in the country, a development, which means good omen to consumers of plantain flour in the country.
A market forecast stated that Nigeria would benefit greatly from plantain production in the nearest future.  In the report titled: 'Analysis and Forecast on plantain production, written by online institution, growers, mainly governments and private concerns would benefit greatly from plantain production.

(a)The market is increasing in Nigeria as more Nigerians are going into plantain farming.
Reasons are many. First, more people are now aware and priced beyond reasonable doubts that plantain flour has diatary in nature, coupled with the fact that its helps in preventing anaemia.
Also, promotions through media sources such as radio, television and newspapers are increasing in the country. Of note is the use of vernacular or local languages to communicate to people on the importance of plantain flour to the health of consumerrs.
The Nation's Newspaper, a fast riding  tabloid in Nigeria has a Yoruba newspaper titled :Gbelegbo.
Interestingly, the Yoruba newspaper created a column for the efficacy of herbal remedies. 
In one of the weekly columns, the importance of plantain flour was not only highlighted, but counsel readers on the consumption of the flour for their growth and welfare.

(b)Competitors/ brands: Semolina, Semovita and Yam flour  are brands, which are competing with plantain flour. However, the competition is not really strong, due to the fact that plantain flour has a more healthier appeal to the consumers.

(c)Plantain flour has mixed consumers. Both Old and Young, educated and non-educated do eat plantain flour.


Basically, products and services across the world are determined by the four main marketing mix, also known as 4Ps. Simply known as Price, Product, Place and Promotions. Each of the four plays vital roles in governing how goods are manufactured, sold to consumers, where it was sold and  factors motivating or appealing to the buyers of the products. 
Aside this, is what is known as 3ps of marketing.These are people, process and physical evidence seen in the course of marketing either products or services. Both the 4ps and 4ps of marketing are directly or indirectly linked to one another.  So, whether producers or consumers of goods like it or not, there is no way their activities are not going to be impacted upon by the 7ps of marketing.(4ps +3ps).
POSITIONING: Plantain flour promises consumers healthy living, whenever they patronise the product. It expresses joy, which ordinarily consumers of a product want. And the unique thing about plantain flour is that is that it promises users or consumers long life, once it is properly used. The target audience of course are the anaemia patients, consumer, whose desire is longevity.

PRODUCT ASSORTMENT: Plantain Flour is  easy to carry, as it is packed in a medium size container. For every user, both prospective and no-prospective users, they can easily see the product to buy in the supermarket stalls or visit bigger market in town, where it can be measured in a bigger container, though the prices offered are not the same. Why? Various chains such as retailers, wholesalers, and distributors have their own costs, which they adding to the price of the product.


In marketing, customers are always described as kings, a development, which means that they should be treated as such, whenever they are making decisions to buy goods and services.
At the various points, where plantain flour is sold to the consumers, staffs or employees working in that are trained to be courteous, friendly and offer what is described as a Come Back Treatment.

AESTHETICS: Plantain Flour is packed in a beautiful container, with pictures of a man and woman standing and cracking jokes on sighting the product.


There are different prices for the small, medium and larger size of plantain flour. This gives consumers an opportunity to choose from the various sizes available in the market.

BRAND COMMUNICATION: Plantain flour communicates to wider audience, mostly through radio, television, newspaper and social media channels.  At any platform used in communicating to the audience, a simpler message titled:FOR YOU, Sirs/ Mas is employed and spoken to passersby in a subtle manner.
Plantain flour  market is not competitive, as the product has gotten its own customers, who are loyal to it and have promised to remain loyal, as long as welfare is guaranteed.

Like other markets in Nigeria and beyond,  promotions is key to the successful sales. For plantain flour, a promotional gifts such as pens, key holders, table waters etc are given to buyers of the product.

(3} SWOT ANALYSIS: This is strategic in nature, as it can lead to the success or weakness of the brand. 

Here are the strengths and weaknesses of the brand: Plantain Flour in a tabular form


1) The brand is easy to cook, as it does not require exerting strong from the consumers, especially women. What requires is putting water on fire, leave it to boil well, pour plantsin flour in a container and stir it well until is done.

2) Health Care: It is good for people who are having anaemia; contains fibre which helps in tackling excessive weight and further prevent highblood pressure.

3) Cheap Cost. This is due to price differentials, as customers are made to choose the size, which suits  their needs or pockets.

4) Plantain's production and harvesting is not cubersone, except processing into flour 


1)  Ignorance about the major use of the product

2) Dwarfed by Competitors such as Semovita, Semolina in the market place.

3)  Obsolete production techniques and equipment.  This is due to the fact that many producers of plantain flour are either not having financial capacity to procure modern and sophisticated  technologies required to produce plantain flour or not aware of their existence.

4) Lack of regulatory approvals: e.g Standards Organisation of Nigeria ( SON), an agency, which the Federal Government of Nigeria has empowered in line with the enabling Act of 1971 is yet to certified the product,as companies have refused to submit the product for certification. 
So also National Agency For Drugs ---- NAFDAC has not given approval to some of the companies, that are producing plantain flour


Suffice to say that the plans are many and require strong commitments and  innovativeness on the part of the producers of the foodstuff. First is the need  to improve sales volume, market share and growth of plantain flour in the market.
In this case, more people or companies would be made to show more interest in plantain agriculture, harvesting and processing. Through this, the market size of 25, 000 metric tonnes  would increase greatly in the country.
Added to this is the use of product expansion or launch into the plantain flour market.
 Once new products are launched into that segment of foodstuff, consumers would a lot to choose from. 
However, one must not forget the roles played by advertising in attracting attention and taking  urgent action to buy the product.
To achieve this goal, there would be a development of new advertising copy, more media pressures, sales promotions and identification of a new target group.
The last is going to be achieved through a department created for those purpose.
Since expansion of the plantain flour market is key to its success, a well trained, proactive and staff gifted with abilities to create and explore new frontiers are going to be added to be employed or retooling the existing ones in order to do the job better.


At this point, a newspaper advertisement capturing a man who wants to shed off weight, while at the same time, planing to deal with high blood pressure would be used.

The objective of the Brand Review is: 


To have a clear and synthetic vision of the situation of a brand on a market in your country (choose a local brand on a market you like. It can be a good or a service),

 - To identify the main issues to be resolved, to set goals, and to define an action plan for the upcoming three years.

 Part 1: Description of the global market of the brand (2 pages maximum)

 The aim of this section is to describe the main characteristics of the market in your country, and its evolution in terms of market/segments, competitors/brands, and consumers/users. The objective is to answer some questions like: 

  Market/segments: What is the size of the market (in volume and/or in value)? Is the market increasing/stable/decreasing? Why? Because of higher/lower media investments? Promotions? Innovations? Other reasons? (Political, legal, economic, social…)? Are there any segments in this market? How and why are they developing?

  Competitors/brands: Who are the main competitors/brands on this market? What is their market share (for goods) or their number of points of sales (for services)? Which competitor/brand is successful and which is not? Why? (New products? Changes in price or advertising strategy, sales promotion, distribution? Other reasons?)

  Consumers/users: Who are the consumers of the market? Adults, children family? Rather rich or poor? Old or young? What are their main expectations when they are consuming/using the product (good/service)? 

 Part 2: Description of the marketing-mix of the brand (4 pages maximum) 

 The aim of this section is to describe the main characteristics of the brand in comparison to its main competitors on each point of its marketing-mix: 

  Positioning: What is the brand’s promise to consumers? (The slogan/claim of the brand usually express it). In short, what does the brand stands for? What is unique/original/superior in this brand compared to competitors? Who is/are the target/s group/s?

  Product assortment: How is the width and the depth of the offer? Larger or narrower than competitors? Proposing a larger choice or not? 

 Product concept/formula/performance: What are the main features of the product? How does it performs compared to its main competitors? For services like retail, hotels, or restaurants, think about the staff and services. How are the employees? Are they kind and polite? Numerous or scarce? What is the sales method used? (Self-service, advice…) Are there some additional services? (e.g., free Wi-Fi at Mac Donald’s in France, play area for children, birthday party …) 

 Product design: How is the aesthetics and convenience of the product compared to main competitors? (For services like retail, hotels, or restaurants, think about style, colors, décor, uniforms, smells, music, noise, temperature, furniture, cleanliness

 2  Price: what is the price positioning of the brand? (Premium, mi-range, low price?) 

 Distribution: in what sort of place can the product be founded? In hypermarkets/supermarkets/small shops/on the internet? (For services, think about city center, suburbs, shopping malls…). How is it similar or different from what the main competitors are doing? 

 Communication: how do the brand communicate? On TV, radio, press, internet? What is the main message? Is it competitive? What about sales promotion? 

 Part 3. SWOT analysis (1 page maximum) 

 The objective of this part is to summarize and prioritize in a table the strengths and weaknesses of the brand, as well as the opportunities and threats of the market. Then try to summarize in one sentence what is the biggest opportunity to seize or the biggest issue to resolve for the brand in the coming years. In short, what is the main challenge?

 Part 4. Action plan for the upcoming three years (1 page maximum) 

 Define the marketing objectives for the following three years (sales volume, market share, growth…) and describe the action plan you want to implement to achieve the objectives: product relaunch with such or such modification, launch of a new product, development of a new advertising copy, more media pressure, more or different sales promotion, identification a new target group, etc.

 Part 5. International perspective (1 page maximum) 

 Choose an advertisement of the brand and analyze if it is convenient for the following markets: France, Germany, and the Middle East. Do not forget to explain why.

 To get information, use websites, newspapers or specialized magazines, the website of the brand, the company, etc. You can also use your own experience (but you have to indicate it). 

 Try to be clear, precise and synthetic. Do not forget to use endnotes to reference the information. Please, indicate the source of your information (website address, newspaper, your own experience). You can put tables, figures, photos in the text (but just a few) or in an appendix (as many as you want). Just remember to label them! (e.g., Table 1- Market share of main grocery stores brands in Switzerland; Photo 6- Quick restaurant at Dijon). 

 Deadline: 18th of December The work is to be send by e-mail at the following e-mail addresses: for students in IMBS and BDEM for students in exchange and ICM Please, when you send it, label it with your name: <NAME_First name_BR.pdf=


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