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"Synergy, Commitment Are Key to Global Energy Sustainability, Says Bounour

By Favour Ifeoluwa & Akinola Ajibade  The Chief Executive Officer, Egbin Power Plc, Mr Mohktar Bounour says global transition to cleaner energ and sustainable environment are achievable, as long as there is strong synergy and commitment among stakeholders in the value chain.  He spoke during the maiden edition of  Asharami Square in Lagos. This is an initiative introduced and implemented by the Sahara Group, in order to amplify discourse on energy sustainability through  media advocacy globally. He said: " Having analyzed the percentage of global greenhouse emissions attributed to sectors including electricity/heat production, agriculture/forestry and transportation, we are realised that there is need for synergy  and renewed commitment among stakeholders". According to him, Egbin Power has unwavering commitment to reduce carbon emissions and promotes sustainable energy sources, stressing that the need to depeening engagement and advocacy among stakeholders in

Ready for a challenge in United States

Deborah, all smiles as she ready for Houston Law Centre

By Akinola Ajibade
Becoming a duly certified lawyer is a task in Nigeria, as it requires burning the midnight candles in order to study hard,coupled with the fact it requires spending a lot of money on books. 
This is a childplay when compared to  United States of America ( USA), where studying law is much more demanding. Why? A considerable amount of energy and money are expected from the prospective barristers at law in U.S in other to scale through a lot of things  before he or she can be  addressed as lawyers.
In this interview with Akinola Ajibade, the Managing Editor, News Mirror, a fast growing online medium in Lagos, Lagos, Nigeria, Deborah Gills Harry, opened up on what informed her decision to  study law in in the United States..


Can we know you more and  what really motivates you to study law?

I'm Miss Deborah, daughter to Mr Gills Harry, one of the critical stakeholders in the downstream sub- sector of the Nigerian oil and gas industry.

What fuelled your passion to study law?

I developed feelings for law at a relatively early stage of my life, if you say teens age of my life, you are not far from truth.
During that period, my passion for reading and writing became pronounced such that my 
friends addressed and called me ' bookworm', a term which is used to describe avid readers of anything readable. You know men of the wigs  (lawyers)always go about with books. Day and night, they have books either stuck to their chest or in their hands as if they are going for lectures.
( Laughter.....)
This made me to conclude that one day, I would find myself in the law field; a field which would enable me to add values to the lives of people all over the world. It is only the legal profession, which can help me to achieve that goal. I'm passionate about it and never regreted it.

How is securing admission to study law in the United States like? 

It is very very competitive. The reason is because one needs to study well and pass all the necessary examinations before one can be admitted into any of the schools, especially universities, which boast of many egg heads. I mean scholars.
I learn a lot on the way, having realised the fact that I need to advance my legal capacity, in order to raise my competence level.
Of note  is the fact that the period was significant and eventful in my life. Reason being that 
coincided with pandemics era globally;  the period in which many people are moving with fears, as they do not want to be infected with the dreaded diseases, which has claimed lives all over the world. 
She said:" I do not want be trapped by the pandemics, as I resorted to travelling from one place to another, in order to catch fun. Honestly, I lived the moment. It was in the course of making trips to different areas that I met individuals, who  inspired me further to study law.

Can you tell us the names of the institutions attended so far?

I'm about to attend Houston Law Centre in United States.  Virtually, all things have been set in motion to attend the school. Forms have been bought and application for the programme granted by the school authority.
Prior to this period, I have received offers from various educational institutions totalling $300,0000. I weighed options before me and subsequently zeroed in on the University of Houston Law Centre. Taking all these into consideration,  one can say without fear or favour that  I have a very impressive backgrounds, a development, which lends credence to my achievements. 

You have not mention the names of the schools, attended? 

I studied LSAT during You tube, LSAC and Khan Academy. All these schools have helped in broadening my knowledge and made me to score marks, which in the long run, are instrumental to my admission into Tier 1 law schools. 
Also,  I wrote  several personal statements, pay application fees and apply to schools.  Though the fees were very expensive, the end justified the means as I got admission to study law at Houston. 

What do you hope to achieve in law school?

My foçus is to be the best in my class and further pass the Bar examination. I know that the next three months are going to be demanding and have prepared for it. Participating in law reviews and getting more scholarships, with a view to deepening my knowledge in legal matters and other areas are my desires.
Overall, my goal is to improve my legal  writing and skills. Getting scholarships on merits is an ideal thing in life. I would apply for as many  scholarships as possible in order to chieve my dreams.

Any word of wisdom to students, wishing to gain admission into law school in U S.

First, students should focus on their grades. They should try as much as possible to come top in their undergraduate class. I for instance, was priveledged to graduate 10 per cent above others in my class and that has helped me to gain admission into the law school.
Students, should also involve themselves in community services, by taking up leadership roles on areas, which they are passionate about.
I always believe that an individual or professional, who knows his onions would attract patronage later.  Added to this is the fact that students should create enough time to prepare for LSAT.
They should not be tired by having in mind that they would accomplish their goals. 


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